First off, the flight to Nice was breathtaking... I’d never seen the
The color change, from the Parisian gray to the Nicoise blue was very welcomed. After checking to our hotel, we walked to the beach...
... looked around ...

and came to the conclusion that we couldn't make any sandcastles...
We threw some rocks into the water then headed towards the old town for lunch, which eventually consisted of pizza and the glaring sun in our eyes. Afterwards, we went to the market, where I bought some lavender for moms and Juli got some oranges and really tasty wine grapes. Days later, Juli threw away the fresh lavender, but that's another story for another day. I spent a few minutes trying to get what I thought would be a neat photo, although all I really did was annoy Juli. It didn't really turn out as I thought.

Bikes were a good idea. We rode down the beach to the eastern edge of the commercial beachfront. Juli spotted the hilltop “chateau” (actually, just a few stones on the summit of steep hill overlooking Nice). We decided to ride to the top, knowing majestic views would greet us. Before embarking on the somewhat arduous jouney, we sat on the seawall and absorbed some calming vistas: two girls talking casually, an older man gazing unpurposefully at the horizon...
two boys perched on the rock below, pondering their next dive…
The jagged clifs of the northern hills alternated with the soothing azure blues of the
The culmination of our ascent brought us more similar sights, merely less obscured by trees and stretching further to the horizon.
We rode down the hill on a different path, one with steps. This made for the occasional bumpy, yet fun, ride. Juli walked her bike down the first few steps, although with a little encouragement, she quickly got the hang out it.
Riding down through the old port area, we reached a dead end and had to walk our bikes up a steep flight of stairs next to a pub where some old nicoises were hanging out. Our next stop was Cap de Nice – a quiet little peninsula hiding a collection of majestic ocean views...
and condos perched on the steep cliffs...
Juli was riding her bike at about the terminal velocity of molasses - some guy jogging even passed her - but not to be outdone, she pointed out some impressive houses, gardens, and views. We intended to ride to Villefrance-sur-Mer, although the sun was beginning to set and our stomachs were voicing their opinion, too.
The sun began to set. We sat quietly in awe.
Sleep came early that night.
I want to go back.